Top 5 Law of Attraction Weight Loss Tips
If you’ve ever lost a few pounds successfully, you know that weight loss has a lot to do with having the right mindset. So it’s clear why you should use the power of your subconscious to manifest weight loss.
Sure, mindset is not everything, and you will still need to take action, but with my law of attraction weight loss tips, I’m going to share with you today, you can attract your dream body faster than you could ever imagine. So it’s time to say goodbye to those love handles. Are you ready?
In case you followed diets and exercise plans and worked your butt off, yet your weight-loss results are mediocre (or even non-existent) – maybe your subconscious mind holds the key to your weight loss manifestation goals.
And I know it can be very frustrating when you are not being able to lose those extra pounds. I have PCOS which gives me, unfortunately, a lot of hands-on dieting experience.
Fortunately, I discovered the power of manifestation more than ten years ago, which is one of the reasons why I have my health problems well under control now.
And I also helped countless other women to successfully manifest the body of their dreams, better health, and weight loss.
I’m not only a manifestation book author and coach, which means I know exactly how the law of attraction can support you for your weight loss goals. I also have a diploma as a personal trainer in nutrition. I have guided many clients on their weight loss and fitness journey.
So if getting to healthy body weight is your goal, you are definitely in the right place.
To lose weight with the law of attraction, you need to work deep on the roots in your subconscious mind. And you need to start living as your future successful self, with your perfect body.
Working with so many clients over the years, one thing became clear: Mindset is KEY when you want to lose weight.
Sure eating the right way, balancing your hormones, or even working out, will all help. But when you don’t change your mindset and work on blocks, such as your self-image, weight loss is going to be very hard.
So why not just leverage the Law of Attraction for a flat stomach?
Can You Manifest Weight Loss
Yes, you can absolutely manifest your ideal body weight, and If you haven’t tried to use the law of attraction for weight loss, you may be missing out on that secret weapon that could make this journey more effortless for you.
In fact, you have been manifesting your current weight all along. To manifest weight loss, you need to change your energy and focus on producing a different result.
Your habits, thinking patterns, and beliefs that got you where you are today are not the ones that will get you where you want to be. So you need to change from the inside out.
And I will show you how…
How do you use the Law of Attraction to Lose Weight?
Learning how to manifest the body you want really starts with your inner beliefs. It’s all about your alignment with your goals. If you have been unable to manifest weight loss, then you’re not aligned with your weight loss goals.
Your alignment is all about your subconscious beliefs. It is the way you perceive yourself, and it is your vibrational frequency.
To lose weight using the law of attraction, you need to retrain your subconscious mind to align with your ideal weight.
Chances are you have been overweight for a while (or just unhappy with that few extra pounds), so this “reality” is deeply rooted in your subconscious. Add some unsuccessful diet attempts, and you get some extra limiting beliefs standing in your way.
It’s time to change that reality to a new one, and here’s how you can do that:
Visualize Yourself AFTER the Weight Loss
Your subconscious mind follows the images and thoughts you send to it regularly. It will then do everything it can to get you to this reality.
That’s really how manifestation works.
Through creative visualization, you can put yourself into a mental movie containing the new image you want to attain. So, in this case, you can visualize yourself at your ideal weight.
Imagine how your clothes fit and the number on the scale, hitting the exact figure you want. Visualize yourself having the energy you want to have and the mobility you desire.
Visualize yourself living your everyday life at your ideal weight.
- How would that bring you joy?
- How would you feel about yourself?
- What types of activities would you be able to do that you otherwise couldn’t?
- Would you finally be able to wear a bikini on the beach with pure confidence?
Put yourself right into the situation and make it as real as possible. The more vivid and emotional you make this experience, the more your subconscious mind will believe and accept it as reality.

Use Weight Loss Affirmations
Weight loss affirmations are another great way to retrain your subconscious mind. They work similar to visualization, except instead of creating a mental movie about your weight loss, you’re declaring your weight-loss statements as the truth.
By repeating positive affirmations or listening to recordings of affirmations while you fall asleep, these messages become imprinted in your subconscious.
Here are some powerful weight loss affirmations for you to try:
When you give your body love and you trust in the process of weight loss through your subconscious mind, it goes to work for you and takes the majority of the effort out of it.
Try Hypnosis or Manifestation Meditations For Weight Loss
Using hypnosis for manifesting weight loss is another great tool. Hypnosis can put your mind into a sensory state of your ideal body, much like visualization.
You can use hypnosis through online recordings, or you can see a registered hypnotherapist. This way, you can work more closely on your specific goals.
Hypnosis works by changing your brain waves and then sending suggestions to your subconscious mind. Slowly, your subconscious will begin to accept these suggestions as your new reality and create your ideal weight from the inside out.
In case you don’t like the idea of getting hypnotized for weight loss, why not try a Law of Attraction weight loss meditation?
Click here, and I’ll send you my favorite guided meditation session on attracting the life you love for free.
Manifestation meditations work on the same principles as hypnosis, and I have witnessed many amazing weight loss success stories from women that used my guided meditations.
In my guided meditations toolkit iI have an entire bundle specifically for weight loss goals. When you download my free session here, you get a special offer for the entire toolkit.
Change Your Relationship with Food
The next point is not directly related to manifestation, but it is still very much connected to your subconscious mind.
In case you often get stressed out because you ate a little more than you think you should have, or you feel that your food choices are not healthy enough, this point could be very important for you.
Losing weight is not always about eating fewer calories as weight gain is not always about eating junk food.
If you’re putting negative energy into your food choices, which is your body’s fuel, the negative energy will also affect your body.
When you change your relationship with food and start to see it as a positive, enriching experience, your body will respond to this in a positive way.
The best way to get healthy eating habits is when you only eat when you’re hungry, stop when you are full, and enjoy every single bite along the way. And that’s something you can do much better when you change your vibrational alignment with food.
As you perceive the food you’re eating in a positive light, your body will respond with the positivity you desire. For example, with elevated energy levels or weight loss.
When you set your intention and trust that your body is giving you the signals it needs, by following your instincts, your food will provide you with the results you want.
Manifestation Expert Tip: Sometimes, you need to check if you have any limiting beliefs around food. For example, I experienced this after I lost a lot of weight with a keto diet. For a very long time, I had the fear that any carbs would make me gain weight and feel bad.
I still eat very few carbs because it’s better for my PCOS, but I removed that limiting belief so that I can enjoy a plate of pasta here and there. My belief that all carbs are bad for me was so strong that I literally felt ill everyntime I ate some. That was all just in my mind, and I’m happy I was able to change that.
Act As If
How would you stand, talk, and think if you were already at your ideal weight?
Your law of attraction body transformation can come in unexpected ways. So just be open to attract, and you will get to your goal much faster.
Instead of waiting to feel worthy, confident, and outgoing until after your weight loss, why not act that way now?
Because you ARE already worthy, confident, outgoing, and wonderful the way, you are. Everything else is ONLY in your mind. Stop telling yourself that old, outdated story.
When you “act as if” you have already reached your goal, it sends a powerful message to your subconscious mind that you are already that new (slim & fit) person.
That’s one of the big secrets of how manifesting with the Law of Attraction works!
But don’t force it, just accept yourself the way you are, start to love yourself for what you have, and slowly start to act more and more like your desired future self.
This also reduces stress, increases positive energy, and makes it so much easier for your body to shed some pounds.
Keep your frequency aligned with your manifestation goal by focusing on what you want, eliminating limiting beliefs, and allowing it to happen naturally instead of forcing anything.
Don’t Skip Taking Action Toward Your Weight Loss Goals
Are you ready to finally have the weight loss you desire?
Then let me tell you one last important message: Taking action is still key for manifesting.
This is on only for losing weight with the law of attraction but for everything you want to manifest. It’s not magic; the last step of the manifestation process is still the one that makes all the difference: your inspired action.
An inspired action is triggered by your subconscious.
So yes, implementing the above tips to manifest your dream body by changing your self-image and reprograming your subconscious is very important.
But to reach your weight loss goal, it still takes your action steps, such as eating healthier, becoming an active person, snacking less, sleeping better, removing stress from your life, lifting some weights, or going for a long walk…
Just don’t overcomplicate things. Imperfect action is still better than no action.
And, your subconscious has your back. Let it guide you when you choose your weight loss plan, let it guide you when you choose the healthy foods to eat, and let it guide you when you hit a weight loss plateau, and it’s time for a change.
So get started right now, create positive change, decide on ONE action that brings you your weight loss goal one step nearer, and then do it.

P.S. Need a little hint about what your first action towards your weight loss goal could be? How about listening to a guided meditation now?
Get my favorite session for free. This is perfect to attract your law of attraction weight loss, even while you sleep. Sign up here, and I’ll send it to your inbox within the next 5-10 minutes.