How to Manifest Love From a Specific Person
Are you looking to manifest a specific person to fall in love with you? Or maybe you even want to attract your ex back?
Then this post is for you.
Today, I will answer the big question so many of my readers have: can you manifest your SP, and if so, how do you do it the right way?
Here’s your answer…

Can You Manifest a Special Person to Fall in Love With You?
How to manifest love is one of the top topics on my manifestation blog. And it’s something I love to write about.
I not only manifested my husband, including my dream wedding, but as a bestselling manifestation book author, I helped countless women with their love manifestation success stories.
So yes, manifestation works for love, no doubt. But the question remains whether it also works to get that special someone to fall in love with you…

First, the short answer: Yes, you can manifest a relationship with a specific person. You can also manifest your ex back.
But you can only manifest someone else to fall in love with you if you have vibrational alignment.
In other words, you can’t just manifest your dream SP because that’s what YOU desire.
Like attracts like.
Manifestation only works if no other person gets harmed or you have to influence their free will.
But don’t worry; after reading this post, you will understand why this is actually a good thing.
Sometimes, we just need some time to reflect and conclude that everything makes sense the way it is. It’s the universe’s way of protecting us.
So, to answer the question of how to manifest a specific person, the right way is to do it with ethical intent.
This means that you can change and create your own reality.
And while you can also manifest for someone else, you can only do so in their best interest, and it’s quite frankly not our decision what is best for them.
So, if you want to manifest love with a specific person, it’s not just about the question of ‘what you want’ – but also about ‘what they want.’ That’s when you are an energetic match.
Now that we have clarified this, let’s get into the steps on how to manifest your SP:
How to manifest someone to fall in love with you in 3-Steps
Manifesting your soulmate can be tricky because a lot of emotions are involved. And more than one person.
So you see, getting that special someone to fall in love with you is not as straightforward as manifesting anything else because it affects not just you.
Still, to manifest your desired partner, you have to follow the three steps of manifestation:
1. Set your manifestation goals.
2. Remove blocks & limiting beliefs.
3. Take inspired action.
Step 1: Become Crystal Clear on The Relationship You Want to Experience
When you manifest that special someone, you have ONE big advantage. You know exactly what you want. And this person already exists in your life.
And while I would suggest reflecting on the question of ‘what you want’ first when manifesting love, you can skip that one.
What you could do instead is to reflect on the type of relationship you want to manifest with your SP.
To make this easier for you, let me share some powerful questions you could ask:
Specific Person Journal Prompts
SP manifestation prompts are a great way to attract your special someone. You gain more clarity, identify limiting beliefs, or keep you focused on your journey.

- Why do I want to manifest this specific person? That’s a good question to ask because sometimes it’s not the partner we truly desire but something we hope this person fulfills in us.
- What does my perfect relationship with my SP look like? Reflect on every detail, especially the emotion. How do you want your SP make you feel?
- What is holding me back from manifesting this specific person? Uncover what is holding you back from asking your SP out for a date or taking your relationship to the next level.
Write everything down that comes up, and don’t overthink it. Want some help? Download your free journaling kit here.
This is also a good time to reflect on whether your SP is the right match for you. In case this person is taken, rethink your manifestation goals.

I won’t tell you not to invest your energy into the desire to manifest this specific person…
…but I also don’t think the universe will have your back if you try to force yourself into a well-functioning relationship.
If you have read my story on how I manifested my husband, then you know that we were both still in a relationship when we met.
However, both of us were unhappy in the relationship.
I believe true love will find each other, but keep that point in mind, as I mentioned at the beginning of this post: We want to do this ethically.
I think reflecting on his/her situation will also give you more clarity about what you really want.
Struggle with gaining clarity?
In my bestselling manifestation book ‘Become the CEO of Your Dream Life‘ I teach my signature advanced manifestation process.
Working with different goals to help you reflect on your true desires, and to build a plan to reach your dreams, with a technique called the ‘dream life plan.’
Step 2: Remove Your Relationship Blocks & Work on Self-Love
Manifestation always starts within you.
You have to clear your own limiting beliefs and other manifestation blocks around love; you have to become open to welcoming your ideal person into your life.
It’s about programming your subconscious mind in a way that opens up to giving and receiving love.
Eliminate blocks that may prevent you from having a good relationship.
Before you start manifesting someone else to love you, start by loving yourself. When you are love, you attract love.
Mia Fox – Author of ‘Become the CEO of Your Dream Life’
The law of attraction is not a magic trick or love spell you can use to make a specific person fall in love with you.
If you want to manifest love, you start with yourself.
Self-love is important and will send the right vibrations to the universe (your subconscious mind.)
Especially when you want to manifest an ex back into your life; give this step a lot of attention.
Reflect on why your past relationship ended and how you can improve it when you get together. That was KEY when I manifested my hubby back after he left me.
Self-care is a great way to show your subconscious that you love yourself. Show the universe that you deserve love by loving yourself.

Limiting beliefs are just one type of abundance block; factors like environment, your health, and past or current relationships do play a big role.
Identifying them is important, and my manifestation book gives you the practical steps to remove what is blocking you to manifest someone you love.
Step 3: Take Inspired Action to Manifest Your Special Person
Manifestation means ‘to make real’ – and for this, you need action. And that’s especially true when you manifest someone to fall in love with you.
I can’t entirely agree with some of the most famous manifestation books, such as ‘The Secret.’ regarding the action part of manifestation.
Manifestation for a specific person takes more than ‘ask, believe, receive.’
Just asking the universe and waiting is not manifestation.
It is called luck.
Luck can work, but it’s not in your control.
And what would you rather want…
1. Depending on hope & luck-based manifestation (and maybe manifest someone.)
2. Have a clear path that gives you control over manifesting your dream partner.

Taking inspired action is needed because:
- It guides your subconscious mind by aligning you with the goal to manifest someone to fall in love with you.
- It helps you overcome your self-limiting beliefs by proving to yourself that ‘you’re worthy of love.’ With my advanced manifestation method, we do this with a very specific type of goal.
- It helps create an unstoppable avalanche, attracting all the opportunities leading to your SP. That’s when manifestation becomes effortless.
Manifestation is a simple goal-setting and achieving process where the subconscious has your back.
But your subconscious mind first needs to run on a new program.
And you have to reprogram it by taking action.
Instead of sitting around, hoping, and trying to manifest someone asking you out… how about you doing the first step?
Or, if it’s your ex you want to manifest back, how about signaling that you are still in love and would like to talk?
Once you have done the above steps, gained more clarity, and become more emotionally aligned with your desired outcome (by overcoming blocks and self-doubt), you’ll have enough confidence to take this big (inspired) action.
Taking inspired action is a key part of love manifestation. And with a clear action plan you give your subconscious a map to follow.
One of the many things you’ll learn in my book. For example with my 3-role manifestation method, , where you get an entire ‘management team’ creating the perfect love path for you.
Top Methods For Your SP Manifestation Routine
Now you know the key steps for your specific person manifestation, let’s check out some powerful manifestation rituals you can use to speed things up.
Manifestation methods are supporting tools you can use on your entire journey there.
They are great for…
- Reflecting on your special person and your relationship goals.
- Identify blocks and limiting beliefs around manifesting someone you love.
- Overcome blocks preventing you from manifesting your SP fast.
- Reprogram your subconscious mind to get vibrational aligned.
I already shared some journal prompts with you. You could also create a vision board to attract a specific person. But one of my favorite techniques to reprogram your subconscious to manifest your sp fast is affirmations.
Manifesting Love With Specific Person Affirmations
Love affirmations for a specific person help you by programming positive beliefs into your subconscious via affirmative statements.
You can use guided affirmations (grab a free session here), but you can also use written affirmations. What matters is that your subconscious starts believing this new success story about you and your SP.
Your subconscious will then align you more with the possibilities of getting together with that specific person, making you more receptive to opportunities.
Examples of how to manifest a specific person affirmations:
“My heart and this special one’s heart are aligned, and we are in perfect harmony.”
“I trust in the universe to bring this special one and me together in divine timing.”
“We are destined to be together, and nothing can stand in our way.”
Manifesting Someone Specific Affirmations Video
For the best results, repeat all the affirmations daily until your SP falls in love with you. They work instantly but don’t forget love manifestation is a process, and your subconscious loves repetition.
Here is the link to the gift I mentioned in the video: Free Guided Affirmation Session.
Get Emotionally Aligned With Gratitude (That’s How I manifested My Special Person)
I mentioned above that vibrational alignment is key when manifesting.
But when you want to manifest a specific person, vibrational alignment is not a one-sided thing. It always takes two for a relationship to work.
You can do your part.
Think about what would make the perfect match for this other person.
It’s not about changing yourself to be loved. It’s about getting the vibration to make a good relationship between you and this person.
The best tip I can give you is to accept (and enjoy) your current circumstances no matter what your love life looks like right now.

You do that by practicing gratitude, one of my favorite tools when manifesting.
Be grateful for the simple fact that you know this special person. (Think about how awful it would be if you wanted to attract love but couldn’t find someone you actually like.)
You are in love. Embrace that love. And more love will follow!
And this brings me to the last important message of this post.
Celebrate your wins.
Enjoy every interaction with your SP, and most importantly, enjoy the time with yourself.
My soulmate only had space in my life when I truly fell in love with myself.
I ask the students in my PRO manifestation course early on in their journey to reflect on what they have already manifested.
And keep track of everything, small or big.
It’s an amazing exercise, and my students are often surprised about how well they are already manifesting. Think about the power this message has on your subconscious.
Focus on even the smallest wins on your journey to manifest your SP. Add a lot of gratitude to it for more power.
This includes setbacks because they can be important lessons.
But now it’s time to take inspired action! Grab your copy of Become the CEO of Your Dream Life, my bestselling manifestation book on how to manifest everything you want (including your SP to fall in love with you.)

P.S. Want more help manifesting a relationship with a specific person?
Then, join me here and get my best manifestation tips into your inbox (Including a little welcome gift!)