50 Manifestation Affirmations for Self-love
To manifest your big dreams with the law of attraction, it’s important to confront any abundance blocks or limiting beliefs that may be standing in your way. Without clearing these obstacles, it can be difficult to attract the life you truly desire. That’s where self-love affirmations come in handy.
By using positive affirmations geared towards manifestation and self-love, you can reprogram your subconscious mind and align yourself with your dream life. Signal the universe that you are worthy, and become a vibrational match with your higher self. So start loving yourself more and fill your mind with positive energy today! Are you ready?
50 Self-Love Affirmations for Manifestation Video
You will get the best results if you listen and repeat these 50 self-love affirmations every day, for at least 7 days in a row. If you rather want to read them out yourself, I’ll post them in the blog post below.
Here is the link to your gift: Guided Affirmation Session to attract your most powerful day ahead.
But before we head into the full list of self-love affirmations, let’s have a look at why these affirmations are so powerful when manifesting…
Affirmations are belief statements, like positive mantras, telling your subconscious mind how something is.
The great thing is that your subconscious mind can’t tell if this statement is true or false, which means that you can “teach” your subconscious mind the reality you like.
And that’s why positive affirmations are such a powerful manifestation method. Just be sure to use affirmations that align with your intentions, and you are good to go.
You can use affirmations in different stages of your manifestation routine. Stick your affirmation quotes on your vision board, and read them when you walk by.
Or write them down in your manifestation journal, or just say them out loud every day.
Listening to guided affirmations is also a great way to imprint the “new reality” into your subconscious mind.
Manifestation is based on the principle that you set a goal, then get rid of your blocks and limiting beliefs, steer your subconscious mind in the right direction, and finally take inspired actions that lead you to your goal.
And exactly for this reprogramming of the subconscious mind, self-love affirmations are a great technique in your Law of Attraction toolbox.
Self-love affirmations should be part of any manifestation routine because when you love yourself and are at peace with yourself, you have the best foundation for an abundance-filled life.
So, use these self-love affirmations every day. Use the list below to speak them out loud, or write them down in your journal. Or use the video I created for you, to listen to the every day. (And don’t forget to follow me on YouTube for more powerful affirmations videos.)
See how your self-image, and your abundance, will skyrocket, from using these powerful affirmation statements.
50 Law of Attraction Affirmations for Self-Love & a Better Self-Image
Click here to watch the self-love affirmations video
I allow myself to be the way I am. I am perfect.
I am the creator of my own reality, and I choose love.
I am grateful for my body and for everything it does for me.
It is okay for my feelings to be expressed. I allow them the freedom of release.
Today I chose only ONE person. That’s ME.
I will love myself for who I am, not change because of what others expect me to become.
My life is filled with joy and abundance. Because I created it that way.
I am continuously changing with growth, evolving to my best self.
I am grateful for my body and for the fact that it breathes every day and keeps me alive.
I choose to stop apologizing for who I am.
My imperfection is a gift; it makes me unique and special.
My past is a part of me, and I can consciously decide to let go of it.
I choose to say no when something does not serve me.
My body is beautiful, and I take good care of it.
I have all the love within my heart that I require.
I allow myself to accept love from others and myself.
The only approval I need is my own. And I approve.
Self-Love is my natural state of being.
I can feel self-love at any time of the day whenever I choose to.
I am letting go of the things that are keeping me down and accepting that things can and will get better.
I work every day to wake up in a state of self-love.
I am beautiful. Just the way I am.
Loving myself comes easily to me.
I allow myself the same love that I give to others.
I’m bold and brave for trying, even if it’s hard.
My mind is filled with loving thoughts about myself.
Self-love is a choice, and I am grateful that I can choose it every day.
I have all the reasons to love myself and express this love through the way I treat myself.
I’m kind to myself because I’m a kind person.
Self-love is the best kind of love.
I treat my body with care and love, as I would care for a loved one.
I can access my self-love whenever I feel like it.
My self-image is my choice and responsibility, and I am working towards a more positive self-image every day of my life.
I’m the love of my life.
I am lucky to be able to love myself.
My self-love is infinite.
I am the creator of my own love.
I accept a good self-image now, and for the rest of my life.
I am allowed to love myself. Love for myself is an important part of my being.
No matter what happens, I will always be able to love myself.
The more I love myself, the more love I attract.
I am capable of creating positive changes in my life.
I have my back.
The love for myself increases every day.
I accept my own desires as I feel them.
I will fill my life with more abundance. Every day.
I am learning to love myself more every day.
I’m my best friend and always care for myself.
Love is always around me, and I let it in.
I am gorgeous. I am love.
Do Self-love Affirmations Work for Manifesting Big Dreams?
Here in our manifestation community and on my law of attraction blog, I’m very open and direct. And I am well-known for my advice that’s very hands-on and hardly woo-woo.
So let me be upfront when it comes to using affirmations for manifestation: affirmations work when you work.
And that goes for any of the manifestation techniques out there…
Positive self-love affirmations certainly work when it comes to feeling better about yourself and seeing yourself in a different light because your subconscious mind (after many repetitions) will eventually start to believe you.
But just having a better feeling about yourself and your life won’t make your dreams come true.
At least not the really big ones.
And this is the point where many misunderstand the law of attraction: ask, believe, receive? Well, it’s actually not quite that simple.
Feeling high-vibe and aligned with your dream is important, but in the end, it’s still your actions that make your dreams come true.
And affirmations, like these positive affirmations for self-love, can help you with that. But they are only a supporting tool and not the manifestation process itself.
In my bestselling manifestation book, Become the CEO of Your Dream Life, you can learn my signature advanced manifestation technique from a to z. And if you have really big dreams that you want to manifest, my manifestation guide is a great starting point.
But using these self-love affirmations I shared with you daily will absolutely help you to speed up the manifestation of your dreams.
P.S. Don’t forget to grab your gift! Click here and download your free guided affirmation