12 Universal Laws For Manifestation
You might be aware of the Law of Attraction. It’s one of the most powerful laws of the universe, helping to bring the things into your lives you focus on.
But did you know that 12 universal laws help us when manifesting? And some of them are even more important than the law of attraction.
12 Universal Laws Explained
To help you understand what these universal laws are, how they work, and how you can apply them to manifest faster, I will cover them one by one:
In this post, I will concentrate solely on the different universal laws, showing how they work together and support you when manifesting your big dreams.
I suggest you also read my in-depth guide on how to manifest.
The Law of Energy
The law of energy states that everything in the world carries a specific vibrational frequency. We are not merely pieces of solid matter; we are energetic beings constantly vibrating.
There are various frequencies within the spectrum of energy, and every person, object, emotion, thought, and intention vibrates at specific frequencies.
That means “like energy” attracts “like energy.” Love attracts love. Pain attracts pain. Health attracts health. And so on.
When you understand that the things that you feel, say, and think are aligning with similar frequencies within the universe (in reality, your subconscious), it changes your perspective on where you put your focus.
I’m not one of those law of attraction coaches who will tell you that you need to be high-vibe and positive 24/7 to manifest successfully.
(It’s NOT needed, and I don’t even think it’s possible.)
However, understanding the basics of the law of energy and how it is connected to manifestation makes it clear that your vibrational frequency matters and that it is something you should take care of.
The Law of Rhythm
Everything has a natural, flowing rhythm, from the tides and seasons to attraction and sexuality.
When we try to force things in life to happen at the time we think is right, we can disrupt the natural rhythm of the universe.
We can alleviate a lot of our stress by practicing patience and trusting that we can go with the natural flow of our world.
When we do, we often see things we want to show up in their perfect timing instead of imposing our restrictions on them.
The universal law of rhythm is important when letting go of your manifestations.
While I’m all about taking action, it is still important that you get in an inner flow state when manifesting big dreams.
This inner flow state means that you truly trust the process, are confident it will happen, and believe with all your heart that your dreams are about to manifest without forcing it.
The Law of Action
The law of action states that action must be taken to create a change in circumstance in any capacity.
To change something for the better in your life, you would not only need to intend and believe in change, but you would need to take tangible action as well.
The law of inspired action is key when manifesting, and it’s that ONE universal law that gets overlooked by so many who talk about the law of attraction and manifestation without truly understanding its mechanism.
And unfortunately, there is a lot of BS and misinformation about this topic.
If you have only time to learn about one of the twelve universal laws, let it be the law of action.
Together, positive vibration and inspired action towards a goal are mighty forces. That’s why the Law of Action is the universal law that you should pay the most attention to.
This is where the manifestation magic really happens!
And that’s why my entire manifesting book, “Become the CEO of Your Dream Life,” is very focused on the law of action.
The Law of Oneness
This universal law states that we are all connected through creation. Therefore, everything inside of you is connected to the outer world, the universe.
The law of oneness is a magical and beautiful principle. When one thing moves, everything moves. We are all a part of a singular harmonious energy and purpose.
Within the law of oneness, we can understand how our actions affect others around us and how ripples of consequences and benefits are felt.
For the manifestation process, this means that what happens inside of you will reflect in the outer world. That’s where manifestation connects with your subconscious mind.
The Law of Gender
There are both masculine and feminine energies within our universe. For example, in Chinese philosophy, a concept describes interconnected opposite forces, known as Yin and Yang.
There is no superior energy, just complementary energy.
We feel more balanced and whole when we nurture our masculine and feminine energies. It’s vital to understand the relationship between masculine and feminine energies so that you can balance them out.
Balance is the environment where your subconscious can work the best without distractions, so the law of gender is therefore important for your successful manifestations.
The Law of Polarity
There are two ends to everything. Where there is a bottom, there is a top.
When there is anger, there is love and acceptance. Polarity is another relevant universal law that creates more balance in our lives.
When we experience a loss in our lives, it is crucial to note that the universe also creates gain somewhere else.
Sometimes, we experience this immediately, or sometimes, it takes some time for us to see the new opportunities.
But when we keep in mind that with an end comes a beginning, it can put some things into better perspective.
It gives you the confidence you need while waiting for your dream to manifest.
The Law of Relativity
The law of relativity states that everything around us should not be judged.
When something happens to us, we do not need to see it as unfavorable; we can see it as just something that has happened along our journey.
We can see everything as an opportunity to change and grow along with the events of the universe instead of judging them and reacting in a way that may disrupt our alignment with the goal we want to manifest.
This law takes out the pressure we sometimes put on ourselves.
So next time something takes a wrong turn, remember it’s ok. Tell yourself that the universal law of relativity permits you to stay relaxed.
The Law of Change
The law of change, also called the law of perpetual transmutation of energy, states that our thoughts can become things.
Based on the assumption that everything in our world is energy, and energy is always in motion.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, constantly changing from one state to another. Since everything in our universe is made from energy, this law is important to understand when you want to manifest.
Transmutation of energy is something we can feel within our physical bodies.
Energy is always in motion, and it is up to us to take the energy in us and around us. And use it to our advantage.
For example, anxious energy can be reframed as excitement, which you can use to infuse enthusiasm into your work and relationships.
Anger can be transmuted into passion, and sexual energy can be converted into creativity.
Learning to manipulate the energy in our world is incredibly powerful and fun as you learn to work with it. It can also be very helpful when you must take inspired action toward big goals.
The Law of Compensation
This law states that everything we do creates an outcome equal to the effort we put in. It’s similar to Karma and the law of cause and effect.
When you push, something moves. When you smile, it creates happiness. When you disagree, it creates tension.
For your manifestation journey, this means that when you work every day to become your better self, you start to see positive changes come back to you in new ways. In short, what you give is what you get.
So, the law of compensation aligns perfectly with the law of inspired action and is another of the seven universal laws with which I work the most when manifesting.
The Law of Cause and Effect
The law of cause and effect is the next universal law that goes hand in hand with the law of action and the law of compensation.
Everything in life happens for a reason. Even if something happens that we may perceive to be negative, sometimes it is the universe working on our behalf or sending us a sign.
It’s important to remember that sometimes, there are things that will happen that we don’t understand or agree with that are pushing us toward what we have been asking for.
And don’t forget, the universe is not out there; it’s your subconscious mind.
So this means the law of cause and effect is just filtering out what’s happening inside of us. This is key to understanding when manifesting.
The Law of Correspondence
This law shows that what we feel and believe in our conscious and subconscious minds, we see on the outside.
There is a direct correspondence between how we feel on the inside and what we experience on the outside.
The most dependable way to change what we see in our lives is to change how we are on the inside. And that’s what manifestation is all about.
It’s about you getting aligned with your manifestation goals. This alignment happens when you program your subconscious to align with your dream vibrationally.
The Law of Attraction
The last in the list is probably the most famous of all the 12 universal laws, the law of attraction.
What we focus on, we attract. Also, the energetic frequency at which we vibrate aligns us with similarly vibrating circumstances.
For example, when we primarily vibrate at a frequency of love and gratitude, we start to see more and more love and appreciation around us.
When we get angry and feel it at our core, we notice and create more angering and frustrating situations.
Pay attention to where your focus and energy go; it is the direction your future will go.
The History of the Universal Laws – The Law of Attraction Origin
I often get asked where the universal laws come from. So, for example, who invented the law of attraction?
No one. These universal laws are the model of how the universe works.
We know that our universe exists, so it must exist in a particular way. And this is how the universe exists, which we call the universal laws.
Talking about the origin, you might want to learn more about the most famous universal law, the law of attraction.
Who discovered the law of attraction?
1906 – the Beginning of the Law of Attraction (as We Know It Today)
The term Law of Attraction first originated in 1906 when author and publisher William Walker Atkinson released his new thought movement book: “Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World.”
He was brave enough to use the term “vibration” (a very scary word for any other author to use or understand back then).
His work introduced the concepts of thought, energy, vibration, and manifestation in a comprehensive and detailed manner.
1910 – the First Steps of a New Concept
In 1910 Wallace Delois Wattles published his famous book “The Science of Getting Rich.”
Wallace D. Wattles explained the creative role of thought in the manifestation process and further elaborated on the universal role of energy as “stuff from which all things are made.”
Wallace D. Wattles was the first to dedicate a sole chapter to the concept of Gratitude as a tool to support the practitioner’s manifestation work.
1928 – an Idea is Spreading
In 1928, Napoleon Hill published his work “The Law of Success in 16 Lessons,” which used the term “Law of Attraction” very frequently.
The most famous work of Napoleon Hill, “Think and Grow Rich,” was first published in 1937 and later became one of the world’s best-selling books.
His work, “Think and Grow Rich,” was surrounded by mysteries, such as Napoleon Hill’s promise to disclose “the real secret” to success, which was never actually disclosed, leading to miscellaneous speculations.
1986 – the Masses Accept an Idea
One of the most significant sources of inspirational and informative materials on the subject of the Law of Attraction is the work of Jerry and Esther Hicks.
In 1986 Esther Hicks began channeling the messages from the group of non-physical beings that were given the name “Abraham.”
While this experience was initially very shocking for Esther, the process attracted much interest from her husband, Jerry.
Soon, Esther and Jerry began giving channeling workshops to ever-growing groups of people.
These works are summarized as “The Teachings of Abraham” and up until the present day.
Even after Jerry Hicks passed away in 2011, Esther continues to give workshops and seminars where she channels Abraham’s answers to any questions people are asking.
2006 – The Breakthrough to the Mainstream With “The Secret”
Even though the work of Esther and Jerry Hicks was very popular, there was still some skepticism.
Especially the fact that Esther spoke through a group of non-physical beings made it difficult to make the commercial breakthrough.
Even if Esther and Jerry Hicks’s work is a little too difficult for you to grasp and you have difficulty with the fact that non-physical “beings” speak through them, I think their books are outstanding.
I don’t buy into the esoteric new-age stuff; that’s just not me. I’m very facts-oriented. But I have read most of the books Esther and Jerry Hicks wrote and had to say they are great material.
Fast forward to 2006, when the movie The Secret was taking the world by storm and propelling The Law of Attraction to become a household discussion subject for tens of millions of people worldwide.
Rhonda Byrne shared the fact that “The Science of Getting Rich” book by Wallace Wattles served as her inspiration for the film.
The movie was sequenced as a series of interviews given by well-known authors, inspirational speakers, teachers, and “visionaries.”
The messages delivered by “The Secret” are loud and clear:
- Thoughts create things.
- Positive emotional attitudes are helpful and necessary to manifest desires.
- Believe in achieving, and you will achieve.
Although I believe that the movie “The Secret” teaches you many important points, I have learned a lot over the years regarding the Law of Attraction.
I believe that the basic idea of The Secret book is very good, but that some important components are missing.
2018 – Mia Fox Published the Action-Based Manifestation Book “Become the CEO of Your Dream Life”
In 2018, after almost a decade of practical experience with the Law of Attraction as a manifestation coach and in my own life, I decided to take my coaching business online.
Soon after, I created this blog, inspiring thousands of daily readers. The SelfMadeLadies community was born.
I quickly became one of the top manifestation bloggers and made myself a name in the manifesting community because of my practical, hands-on teachings, giving my readers real results.

My manifestation method is so powerful because it works with the law of attraction and inspired action. But it’s also influenced by the other universal laws.
And you can get all this in my manifestation book.

PS: Thanks to years of experience as an NLP coach and a technique inspired by Walt Disney, I created my own advanced manifesting technique.
And this made “Become the CEO of Your Dream Life” the bestseller it is today.
And I am so proud and happy that I would like to give you the first chapter for free.