How to Manifest a Job (The Ultimate Guide)
Finding a career you love, not just a job that pays the bills is key to a happy life. As a bestselling manifestation book author (with HR and recruiting experience), I’ve helped many readers manifest their dream jobs.
Including my husband, who landed his dream role at Google thanks to my job manifestation method. And they have a 0.2% acceptance rate, which makes it harder than getting into Harvard.
That shows the power the power behind it. And I’m excited to share it with you today.
With less than 10 minutes reading time, you’ll learn…

3-Step Job Manifestation Technique
The manifestation process always follows three steps, and there is no difference when it comes to manifestation for a job:
1. Set your manifestation goals.
2. Remove abundance blocks.
3. Take inspired action.
In my ultimate manifestation guide on how to manifest, I go much deeper on the topic. Still, in this post, I want to explain the single steps specifically for the job manifestation technique.
Step 1: Set Your Job Manifestation Goals & Gain Clarity to Manifest the Right Job
It all starts with your manifestation goals.
To manifest the perfect job, get clear on what exactly you want, including the type of work, environment, colleagues, salary, commute, and the option to work from home.
Start by asking yourself for the WHAT and more importantly, the WHY:
- Concentrate on the emotions you want to gain from your new position. Emotions are a great subconscious trigger. That’s why you should set intentions when manifesting.
- Start with the end in mind, as it can keep you on track with your true desires and give you focus on what really matters.
- Be as specific as possible. The ‘universe’ (that’s really your subconscious mind) gives you the things you are asking for. Don’t leave room for misunderstandings.
Struggle to find your WHY?
In my advanced manifestation process I work with a tool I call ‘the dream life plan’ – dedicated to crafting your vision by working with different types of goals.
This helps you not only to find out what you want, but also how to get there. Learn more in my book ‘Become the CEO of Your Dream Life.’
Step 2: Remove Abundance Blocks to Get Ready for Your Dream Job Manifestation
To manifest a high-paying job or one with more responsibility, identify and remove abundance blocks that could hold you back.
Like, your limiting beliefs about manifesting a better job, such as…
- “There are not enough job opportunities in my field.”
- “I am not qualified enough for the position I want.”
- “I am not good at interviewing and will not be able to land the job.”
- “I am not worthy of a higher salary.”
- “I am too old/young to change careers.”
To identify limiting beliefs, listen to yourself and become aware of negative self-talk. Find all the reasons you think you can’t manifest your desired job, then work on changing these limiting beliefs.
There are other abundance blocks than limiting beliefs, but it’s a good place to start. Important to understand: We all have them. And no need to be 100% perfect.
Identifying and acknowledging them is the first and most important step, and my manifestation book is a great way to get started. It covers all possible blocks and gives you many actionable tips on how to remove them.
Step 3: Take Inspired Action to Manifest Your Dream Job
Taking action is the step most other manifestation blogs, books, and coaches fail to teach. But it’s the most important because this is ‘The Manifestation.’
Taking inspired action means:
- You guide your subconscious in the right direction by aligning your goals and dreams with your actions. This subconscious transformation is where the manifestation magic happens.
- You overcome your self-limiting beliefs by proving to yourself that you ‘can do this.’ In my advanced manifestation technique, we do this with a very specific type of goal.
- You start an avalanche of action steps, small and big ones, that ultimately lead to successfully reaching your goals. That’s when manifestation becomes effortless.
Manifestation is a goal-setting and goal-achieving process, but one that is backed by the subconscious mind. That’s the true meaning of ‘the universe has your back’” really is all about. But your subconscious still needs YOU to do the programming.’
And you do this by taking action.
So here are a few examples of inspired action steps to manifest your dream job:
- Declutter your life to make space for your new career. This could mean that you need to finish a degree first or align your lifestyle with your new dream job. Signaling your subconscious that you are truly ready for the new job.
- Get ready for your job interview. Start preparing before you get invited or even before you send out the application for your dream job.
Here, you get more tips: how to manifest a job offer after an interview. - Go the extra mile to manifest your dream job. From my past recruiting jobs, I learned one thing: you’re much more likely to get invited to an interview when your application stands out.
- Do a lot of research on your dream job and the company you want to work for. This prepares you for the job interview but is also a strong subconscious trigger; the subconscious will soon start to accept it as your new reality.
You see how important taking action is for manifesting the right job. And having plan will help you guide your subconscious in the right direction.
That’s what I teach in my 3-role manifestation method, the one I teach in Become The CEO of Your Dream Life. Here you get an entire ‘management team’ creating the perfect action plan for you.
Use the Right Manifestation Methods for Job Manifesting Success
To manifest a good job faster, use strategic manifestation methods alongside the basic 3-step process. These tools support you throughout your manifestation journey.
They can help you…
- Reflecting on your job goals.
- Identify abundance blocks and limiting beliefs.
- Overcome these blocks.
- Reprogram your subconscious mind (get vibrational aligned with your goals.)
Let’s look at the top manifestation methods for attracting a new job.
Use Positive Job Affirmations
Affirmations program positive beliefs into your subconscious through affirmative statements, whether listened to (like in guided affirmations, download your free one here), written, or spoken aloud.
Using job-related affirmations sends a powerful message to your subconscious that you are capable of achieving your goal, shifting your mindset from doubt and fear to confidence and certainty.
Your subconscious then aligns your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your desired outcome, making you more receptive to opportunities that help manifest your dream job.
Examples of positive job affirmations:
- “I deserve to have a job that brings me joy and fulfillment.”
- “I am worthy of this job and I am now attracting it into my life.”
- “I release any doubts and fears about my job search and trust that the universe is guiding me to the right job.”
Ready for more job affirmations power? Check out the full list with 55 job manifestation affirmations for every step of the recruiting process, or watch the video below for even more affirmations.
Affirmations to Manifest Your Dream Job Video
Repeat them daily for the best results. They work instantly but don’t forget, your subconscious loves repetition.
Here is the link to the gift I mentioned in the video: Free Guided Affirmation Session.
Create a Career Vision Board to Attract Your Dream Job
A vision board is a visual representation of your career goals and dream job, helping with visualization and keeping you on track.
It shows your subconscious where you want to go, serving as a constant reminder of your ‘career in the making.’
To create your own job vision board:
Step 1: Clearly define the new job you want to manifest.
That’s what we did in step one of the job manifestation process. Note down all the details about your dream career, such as the kind of company you want to work for, location, duties, salary, your team, etc.
Step 2: Find images that represent your dream job.
Concentrate on the emotions: what feelings do you want to experience in your new career? Find pictures that align with that vision. Also, think of words or affirmations, or you could add a resignation letter for your old job.
Or how about some manifestation checks showing the exact salary you want to manifest? Sign up here, and I’ll send you some as a gift into your inbox!
Step 3: Create a collage with all the images on a poster board or choose an online platform to create a digital vision board.
Step 4: Place the vision board somewhere where you see it often. And work with it!
While a vision board alone won’t magically manifest your dream job, it’s a perfect tool to assist with job visualization.
Use it to visualize yourself at work, but remember that taking action is also crucial when using manifestation techniques like a dream board.
Use Job Visualization Technique For Your Career Manifestation
Creative visualization for job manifestation involves vividly picturing yourself in your ideal role, workspace, and colleagues while feeling the satisfaction of success.
This aligns your mindset to attract that career into reality, as your subconscious can’t differentiate between real and imagined experiences.

- Create a clear image of the job you want; as discussed in step one, you should have this by now.
Be as specific as possible about your dream career, and concentrate on emotions. If you created a career vision board, you can look at it before you start the visualization exercise. - Close your eyes if it feels more accessible (but many people can visualize better with open eyes!)
Now, visualize yourself in your new job. Concentrate on doing specific tasks or talking to your new work colleagues. What can you hear, see, and smell around your new workplace? - Make your visualization as realistic as possible; add emotions like excitement, confidence, and fulfillment to your new job.
Job Manifestation Journal Prompts to Gain More Clarity
Journaling can clarify job goals, identify limiting beliefs or fears about your next career move, and keep you focused on your overall vision.
Here are some top career journal prompts to get you started:

- What does my ideal job look like? Where do you work? What are your daily tasks, co-workers, salary, and working hours? Most importantly, how does this job make you feel?
Why do I want this new job? The WHY behind a goal is more important for your motivation than the WHAT.
What is holding me back from this next career step? When you have gained more clarity about the what and why.
It’s time to look into possible abundance blocks and limiting beliefs. And this simple journal prompt can get you there.
When using these job manifestation prompts, let your thoughts flow without overthinking. It doesn’t matter if the job you describe exists; this process sends a powerful message to your subconscious, kickstarting the manifestation process.
The more detailed you are, the stronger the message.
Want some help with this? Click here to get my journaling starter kit for free.
How to Trust in the Job Manifestation Process & Let Go (Even While Taking Action)
Letting go in manifestation doesn’t mean simply asking the universe and waiting for your job to magically appear.
Instead, it means:
- Remove limiting beliefs so that you can trust in the process (and yourself.)
- Overcome abundance blocks and make space for your new job.
- Accept that manifestation works on its own timeline.
Trusting the Job Manifestation Timeline
Manifestation works on its own timeline, aligning with your readiness, actions, and external factors.
Setting manifestation intention will start the process, but personal growth, opportunities, and connections may need to fall into place first.
This “divine timing” ensures you’re prepared to receive what you’ve asked for when it best serves your journey. Trusting the process allows manifestation to unfold naturally, often with better results than initially imagined.
signs from the universe about career Change & Job Manifestation
Understanding the signs your manifestation is coming helps you stay focused, confident, and motivated in the recruiting process.
These signs confirm your efforts are paying off and allow you to let go of the “needing state,” which signals a lack of trust in the process.
Understanding the signs also enables you to seize opportunities as they arise, guiding your manifestation journey:
- Changes in your thoughts and emotions. For example, when manifesting a job, you get increased excitement and confidence about the job search process.
- You are dreaming about your new job. You may have a dream about a job offer or about your future job and coworkers. This could be a sign that your job manifestation is coming soon.
- Opportunities that align with your desired job. Manifestation is about taking inspired action, and giving you more opportunities is the subconscious mind’s way of supporting you.
This can be things like getting referred for job openings or being invited to networking events. Taking action on these opportunities does show your subconscious that you are truly committed and believe in the process. - A strong gut feeling that the job is manifesting. Sometimes, it’s just as simple as that; you just know that you’ll manifest your dream soon. Tap into these intuitions to help you make better decisions and achieve your goals.
- Synchronicities. When manifesting a job, synchronicities can include seeing mentions of a certain company repeatedly. This could be a sign that this company has the perfect job waiting for you.
Use Gratitude to Stay High Vibe When Manifesting a Job
Gratitude is another powerful manifestation method; you shift your focus from lack to abundance, sending a strong message to your subconscious mind.
This can assist you at various stages of your job manifestation journey, making the process less challenging.

Be grateful for your current job situation, even if it’s challenging. This shows your subconscious that you’re already living in abundance.
Be thankful for the opportunities your job offers, even if it simply helps you identify what you’d like to be different in your next role.
Use gratitude to deal with a job rejection. When facing job rejection, use gratitude to maintain a high vibrational level. View setbacks as opportunities, realizing that the position may not have been the right fit for you.
Keep track with a gratitude journal. Write down three things you’re grateful for daily, including the skills and experiences that make you an ideal candidate for your dream job.
This cultivates a positive outlook and attracts aligned opportunities. If you need some help with this, grab my free journaling kit.
Job Manifestation FAQ
Here are some common questions about manifesting your desired job:
If you have more questions about job manifestation, feel free to reach out to me. I love engaging with my readers here at SelfMadeLadies.
To join our community of hundreds of thousands of awesome ladies, sign up and choose your favorite gift here.
Start Manifesting Your Dream Job Today
You see, it’s not magic.
Manifestation requires action, motivation, and commitment, but aligning your subconscious with your career dreams can lead to magical results.
Remember to celebrate your wins, both big and small.
When someone joins my PRO manifestation program, I ask them early on their journey to reflect on what they already manifested. And keep track on even the small things.
This is such a great reflection exercises, and my students are often surprised about how good they are already manifesting.
Think about the power of this subconscious message regarding your beliefs.
That’s why I want you to do the same when manifesting your dream job. Concentrate on even the smallest wins and add a lot of gratitude to the process. This helps keep momentum.
But now it’s time to take inspired action on your job manifestation goals!
Let me know if you are truly serious about pursuing your dream career.
Then, I suggest you grab a copy of my bestselling manifestation book for a comprehensive, step-by-step roadmap to manifesting your biggest dreams (including your dream job).

PS. Another job manifestation method worth mentioning is guided meditation.
I can’t guarantee you an overnight job manifestation, but using them feels almost like manifesting while you sleep. Click here to download your free guided meditation session now.