How the 333 Manifestation Method Works

The 33×3 manifesting method has gained much popularity, so let’s look at how the 333 manifestation technique works and get my take on it.

What is the 33×3 Method for Manifestation

The 333 manifestation method is a combination of affirmations and journaling. This means writing down our goal as an affirmative statement 33 times for three days.

It’s one of the ‘random numbers’ manifestation methods, like the 77×7 or the 55×5 manifestation method.

And I’m not a big fan of any of these techniques. I will explain more about that later in this post, but let’s first look at a 33×3 manifestation method example:

Infographic with title: How the 33x3 ManifestAtion Method Works

Step 1: Define Your Manifestation Goal

reflect on what you want, and clearly define your goals before using the 333 method.

Step 2: create Your Affirmation

It’s a mix of two manifestation methods, affirmations, and journaling; start by formulating a powerful affirmation statement for your goal.

Step 3: Write your Affirmation 33 Times For 3 Days

For the next three days, write down your affirmation manifestation 33 times.

Extra Tip: How to Write Powerful 33X3 Manifestation Affirmations

Make sure that your affirmation is written in:

  • The present tense.
  • Short and specific.
  • Positive.

Add gratitude to make your affirmative statement even more powerful.

And don’t forget that the 33×3 method means you must write your desires 33 times daily; that’s a lot of writing, so it’s important to keep them short and sweet.

One of the reasons I feel that these random number manifestation methods are all a waste of time…

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Does 333 manifestation Work

All these random number manifestation rituals are basically the same. And they get shared so often that people start believing that’s how manifestation works.

First, I question the randomness of the numbers.

So many don’t understand that these manifesting techniques, methods, or tools ARE NOT the actual manifestation.

Manifestation is not a magic trick; you can’t just write down your dream 33 times, and then it will magically appear.

Manifestation needs a deep subconscious transformation.

If you want to get a step-by-step blueprint on how to manifest, I suggest you read my bestselling manifestation book ‘Become the CEO of Your Dream Life’.

Any method (such as affirmations or journaling) can assist you on this journey, but there is so much more to it. And the 33×3 method is no different.

But why do so many claim it’s the big secret to manifestation?

Are 33×3 Method Success Stories Fake? Why This Might NOT Work For You

Manifestation techniques are all based on sending the right signals to our subconscious.

To get vibrational aligned with your goals. 

That’s how manifestation ultimately works, and if writing an affirmation 33 times helps, that’s great.

And yes, so many claim that they used 3×3 to manifest a special person or money.

But when you read these 333 success stories, keep in mind:

  • You don’t know what else they did to align with their manifestation goals.
  • You don’t know where they come from and how many manifestation experiences they already had.
  • You don’t know how many manifestation abundance blocks and limiting beliefs they had to remove first.

Your manifestation story is different from their stories.

Affirmations, journaling, or manifesting techniques such as 33×3 can be very powerful tools. But in the end, they are just tools. 

So all these claims that 333 made their dreams come true…

…give false hopes. To successfully attract your dreams, you must trigger your subconscious mind. And just writing a few affirmations is most likely not enough.

And it’s not just about changing your mindset or overcoming blocks; the last (and most important) step in the manifestation process is taking action.

Inspired action!

And writing your affirmation 33 times is NOT what I’m talking about.

When you have to write a statement 33 times daily, it might backfire. You might get bored and start doing it to get it done.

It’s not really the high-vibe message you want to send your subconscious mind.

A much better way would be:

  • Write your manifestation goal with a lot of thoughts.
  • Make a powerful affirmation out of it and say it out loud.
  • Visualize yourself reaching your goal.
  • Reflect on it in your journal, and ask yourself what is blocking you.
  • Take action on your goal. (What brings me to the next point).
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Power Manifestation 5×5 – A Manifestation Method That Brings Real Results

I’m all about taking action in the manifestation process, and that’s exactly what you get with this technique.

The 5×5 Power Manifestation Method, which I teach in my book or my PRO manifestation program, makes you take five daily actions, bringing you closer to your goal.

See, the law of action is much more important in the manifestation process than the law of attraction. That’s why I don’t like methods like the 33×3 or 55×5.

All the action you take with them is to write down your goal.

Think about the powerful signals you send your subconscious mind when you take five daily action steps.

Don’t waste your time on 33 affirmations; spend it on five action steps that bring you closer to your goal.

Not every step has to be big.

They add up, and ultimately, your subconscious will do the rest, helping you to manifest your biggest dreams.

signature saying xo mia fox

P.S. Want more manifestation tips that help you take inspired action?

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