13 Top Limiting Beliefs About Money & How to Remove Them
Your beliefs shape your reality—especially when it comes to money. A positive money mindset can transform how abundance flows into your life.
Limiting beliefs about money creates barriers to financial success. Ready to break free with a new money mindset? Here are 13 common limiting money beliefs holding you back from manifesting money and attracting wealth.
Plus, my top tips on how to release money blocks.
Money is Scarce
One of the most common negative beliefs about money is thinking there’s not enough.
When you see money as scarce, you’re more likely to hold back, limit your dreams, and approach finances with fear.
The truth? Money is abundant, and resources flow continuously.
You can quickly shift your financial reality by positioning yourself in the right opportunities, whether through an idea, product, or connection.
Embracing the belief that money is plentiful empowers you to take bold steps toward your goals confidently.
I Am Unworthy of Money
When you believe you don’t deserve something, you stop pursuing it—and abundance slips away.
Feelings of unworthiness act like a magnet for self-sabotage, keeping financial opportunities out of reach.
Your actions are driven by your deep-seated beliefs. If you think you’re unworthy of wealth, your behaviors will reflect that belief, and so will your results.
The good news? Shifting to a mindset of worthiness can unlock doors you never thought possible.
Start embracing positive money beliefs, and watch as new opportunities for abundance begin to flow into your life. You deserve success, and it’s time to own it!
Another great way to shift your negative money mindset is by reprogramming your subconscious with money mindset affirmations. Click here, and I’ll send you my favorite guided affirmation for free.
You Need Money to Make Money
It’s true—having money makes it easier to grow wealth.
But not having it yet isn’t an excuse to stop. The key is understanding that other people have the money and are actively looking for investment opportunities.
Your job is to create that opportunity. Whether it’s a compelling idea, a smart business plan, or an innovative solution, you can attract investors who want to make their money work for them and you.
You don’t need to start with a fortune; you just need the drive and creativity to get the right people to believe in your vision.
Having a Lot of Money Makes You Selfish
The belief that “having money is selfish” is a powerful yet harmful mindset that keeps you stuck.
Think about it: have you ever wanted to donate to a cause but couldn’t? Or wished to visit loved ones more often, but financial constraints got in the way?
Money isn’t inherently selfish. It’s a tool. When used wisely, it can help you create joy, strengthen relationships, and positively impact the world.
While not everyone uses wealth for good, you can. Financial abundance empowers you to give, connect, and live a more fulfilling life. It’s time to see money as a force for good, not selfishness.
More Money = More Problems
The belief that “more money equals more problems” is one of the oldest misconceptions about wealth. In truth, money simply shifts the types of challenges you face.
Without money, problems often revolve around lack, such as limited options for food, housing, and career opportunities.
With money, your challenges might include deciding where to invest, how to make impactful decisions, or even choosing your next vacation destination.
Ultimately, problems stem from choices, not money itself.
Money Needs to Be Held Onto
Saving is an essential part of growing your wealth. It’s what you do with your savings that matter.
If money sits in a bank and never has the potential to gain interest, then it will never grow.
There is always some risk in investing money, but the reward is still much larger than the risk. Cash wants to grow, and you need to learn how to invest it for it to work for you.
Love spending money to attract more!
I Am Not Good With Money
What you affirm in your life, you will see. If you continue to claim this self-limiting money belief, you will continue to act under this belief.
However, if you changed your belief and began to believe that you are learning more daily about how money works, you would quickly see a shift in your understanding and ability to increase your wealth.
This subconscious transformation will shift your mindset from lack to abundance.
Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness
It’s true—happiness isn’t for sale. But money can be a powerful tool for creating experiences and opportunities that bring joy and fulfillment.
With financial freedom, you can fund projects you’re passionate about, explore the places you’ve always dreamed of, and spend more quality time with the people who matter most.
While money isn’t the source of happiness, it can pave the way for the moments and memories that make life truly meaningful.
The Rich Get Richer, and the Poor Get Poorer
Wealth is built on mindset and action. The rich get richer because they do what successful people do, while many stay stuck in scarcity because they keep repeating the same old habits.
I’ve been there; I dropped out of college, had a dead-end job, and had little hope for more. But everything changed when I permitted myself to succeed.
That mindset shift led to my first 6-figure job and more growth each year after. Ultimately building a successful business.
But it wasn’t just the mindset. I had to act. Shifting from the habits of scarcity to the actions of success.
You Have to Work Hard for Money
Hard work is important, but you don’t need to grind endlessly when it comes to money. Once you understand how money works, you can make it work.
You can multiply your wealth with minimal effort by spending less than you earn, investing your savings, and continually educating yourself.
For example, I sell my book online, 24/7, which means I can even make money while I sleep. Some of my income I reinvest.
The choice is yours: work hard for every dollar or let your money work for you.
I Can Either Make Money or Follow My Passion
This belief stems from a scarcity mindset. You’re limiting yourself if you think you have to choose between making money and following your passion.
Whether you’re an artist, writer, or actor, there are countless ways to monetize your passion. The key is to see the opportunities—and go after them. You can have both money and a life you love.
I Have No Self-Control Over Money
If you spend money on things that don’t serve your growth, it’s time to shift your mindset.
Self-control isn’t about deprivation; it’s about making intentional choices. By controlling unnecessary spending, you can redirect your money towards things that fuel your passions.
Changing your belief from “I have no self-control” to “I can control my impulses” empowers you to take charge of your financial future.
The same is true for earning money. You always have a choice.
I Don’t Know Where to Start
One of the most common money beliefs is thinking, “I don’t know where to start.”
The truth is that growth happens as you go, not before. You don’t need to see the finish line to begin. Start by asking questions and figuring things out along the way.
The same is true for attracting more money and abundance.
Why Your Belief System is Key to Manifesting Money
Our conscious mind controls only about 10% of our behavior; the rest is shaped by our subconscious beliefs, many of which are influenced by our upbringing and experiences.
These beliefs, especially around money, sneak into our lives and often come from others, like our parents. But also from our experiences.
But just because these beliefs were passed down to us doesn’t mean they serve us. In fact, 99% of them are just wrong.
If you want to manifest more money; it’s essential to let go of these limiting beliefs. They’re holding you back from the abundance that’s waiting for you!
P.S. Don’t forget to grab your free affirmation session for a fast way to change your limiting beliefs around money.